Monday, September 26, 2011

15 Weeks Old

Hannah is quickly approaching the 4 month mark and has the personality to prove it! She is excited and delightful to play with. She's gaining more control of her limbs and is enthusiastically reaching for her toys. Her vocabulary is expanding from mmmms and oooos to big words like Google, Gaga, and Wagyu. Who know she had a taste for expensive beef?

Poor baby got the sniffles along with her Mama on Friday :( We have been keeping them at bay by trying to get extra rest. Dada raised her crib mattress and set up the humidifier so that's helping quite a bit. Surprisingly, the nasal aspirator did not turn out to be a torture device as I expected. She smiles and coos after I clear her teeny nose!

Here's a video of her on the boppy. She starts talking after about 20 seconds. Look at those bright eyes!

1 comment:

  1. This is Mindy from I'm having issues commenting on blogs, so I am trying it anonymously to see if that works...

    First of all, thanks for the read on my personal blog! Secondly, your daughter's hair is amazingly adorable! I'm excited for those adorable first coos and smiles with my next little! How fun! Good to take videos now so you can remember it later!
