Monday, October 31, 2011

20 Weeks Old

Little Hannah is inching towards the 5 month mark with a full social calendar. We had visitors last week and this week we are going to take her first flight! She was a wonderful little hostess and beamed her brightest smile to our guests. I have no doubt that she will enjoy seeing and meeting more of our family during our trip to Florida.

This week she has napped and slept a lot, although not straight through the night. She's battling a cold and is almost through it. I guess cold season came early this year, along with the snow! We ended up getting about 4 inches of heavy, wet snow. Of course we lost power, so we packed everything up and went over the river and through the woods to Grandma's house. We took her on a little trek through the yard and she watched the snowflakes intently through the window.

Her new skill is one that I love, she reaches for me. I'm not just talking about my hair or my finger either. As I change her diaper, she'll grab hold of my arm and try to pull it closer. It's so sweet as she falls asleep that she wraps her hand on mine when I gently touch her chest. I also sing her "Where is Thumbkin" because she is so interested in my hands. We didn't do much tummy time this week since she was sniffly, but she almost rolled from front to back. I'm sure she will perfect that skill in the weeks to come!

Baby's First Snow

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness.. this might be the sweetest photo ever! I love Hannah all bundled up in her winter coat. So glad she seemed to enjoy her first snowfall! xo
